Fashion & lifestyle

Saturday, 15 April 2017

She believed she could so she did. R.S Grey

So I don’t normally write personal blog posts but last week I was scrolling through the boohoo website and spotted this super cute “Girl power” top that got me onto thinking how I could incorporate it into a blog post. The phrase G I R L  P O W E R has been used in all sorts of amazing circumstances to bring the female species together, but I’m pretty sure it can still be used even more! Personally I say us girls can never support each other enough. Having spent a lot of time on social media I have been lucky enough to build relationships with many lovely groups of girls that leave me smiling everyday and that are always spreading positivity towards me. However I have also seen/spoke to many girls suffering with confidence issues which I hate to see, The thought of a girl not feeling comfortable in her own skin is heart wrenching, and this really needs to be put to a stop! As cringe as it is to say everyone is beautiful. And yes there is always going to be someone with nicer hair than you or more followers than you but who cares! I’m sure you’re favourite celebrity still has their personal flaws, but the truth is these people are not you. And you really shouldn’t be comparing yourself to them. As easy as it is to say I totally understand how hard it is to actually do!

Now I know this tiny blog post isn’t going to reach any where near enough people to make a huge difference but if you are reading this try and think how you can make someone’s day better, whether this is leaving a friendly comment on a picture you’ve seen, texting your friend to make sure they're ok, smiling at another girl in the street or even just hash tagging your pictures with #GirlPower and lets get the positive vibes flowing a little more and stamp out some of the negativity around being a female. And remember, who run the world? GIRLS! x


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