Fashion & lifestyle

Monday, 24 July 2017

How to keep your blogging game up whilst switching off and winding down

If you didn't already know I go on holiday on Friday for ten days and I have been thinking about how I can keep my blogging game up whilst switching off and winding down. Switching off can be very hard to do when your job is online as it's so easy to just refresh a feed or put up a tweet, so here are my top tips for keeping on track and organised whilst catching some rays!

Have content planned before you go just in case 

Even at home I always try to have content available for a few days ahead of myself to avoid missing any uploads, however, this can be hard to stick to all the time so planning 10 days worth of content has been the bit of a mammoth task. Over the past two weeks, I have been planning and shooting lots of outfits and flat lays so I have myself covered in a case for some reason I can't get any whilst I'm there, as technology does like to break at the worst times. The last thing you want is to be stuck 'content-less' stressing out when you're meant to be in the ultimate relaxation zone. Stick to your previously planned content and then any travel shots you get an alongside it are a bonus, don't put too much pressure on yourself to get 10 days worth of travel shots.

Blog whilst he's sleeping

In my case, I am going on holiday with my boyfriend, now he's very good at sleeping in but I'm always up and at it, before him. This will be my tiny bit of work time to get anything scheduled and posted to save faffing around when he's ready to go out.

Scheduling posts 

Scheduling posts is something I have never done before but would be super handy for any out of office time. I have heard buffer is a great app to use as this allows you to schedule a few post to go live without you having press upload. This is a great way to keep engagement flowing at times when posting tweets isn't at the fore-front of your mind.

Understand that the people you are holidaying with might not be into photography and blogging like you.

Now for me, this is a hard one as a full-time blogger I am always on the look out for any photo opportunities but I will have to remember that my boyfriend probably isn't going to want to take an outfit shot of me every half an hour. However, I do plan of taking my tripod so I can get the odd picture by myself if needs be.

Remeber the time difference
You don't want to find yourself posting at 3 in the morning UK time as this is going to do your engagement no favours at all, try and work out the best time to post this might be the worst time for you but to have your picture going up correctly for your viewers it's worth it.

Have your tech organized 

As a blogger, I have to think about technology and what I might need whilst I'm there to minimize stress and disappointment. Think plug adapters, empty memory cards and charges.

Have any collaborations you have agreed to shoot whilst you're away ready to go.

As a blogger, it's more than likely that would have arranged to work on a few collaborations whilst you are surrounded by such beautiful scenery, so make sure you have this planned into your time and packed into your suitcase as you don't want to have left that important sun tan lotion at home that you promised to snap around the pool!

And always remember everyone deserves a break so don't get too caught up on blogging whilst you're away enjoy the time and chill out! :)

If you have any other tips for blogging on holiday do let me know!



  1. Thanks for the great tips! I'm going on vacation in August so this was very helpful.

    xoxo Cynthia

    1. Hey Cynthia!

      I'm so glad you liked the post! Have an amazing holiday ! xxx

  2. Such a helpful posts! I've been taking a break from blogging and I'm completely starting afresh and these tips are going to be vv useful! Also this outfit is stunning! Xx

    Love Somachi xx

  3. Hey! I'm so glad you found this helpful.. best of luck with your blogging I can't wait to see all of your new content! I've been loving this outfit right now! :) Xx

  4. Loved this post Holly! It is so hard to keep up with blogging when your on vacation. And it is so true that sometimes the people your with don't want to be your photographer every five seconds �� Love the striped tee as well!
    xo Gabriela

  5. Such good advice, hope you have a great holiday! xx


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